Role of technology anxiety within UTAUT in understanding non-user adoption intentions to virtual learning environments: the state university lecturers' perspective Online publication date: Tue, 06-Jul-2021
by Asanka Gunasinghe; Samudaya Nanayakkara
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL), Vol. 13, No. 3, 2021
Abstract: Aim of this study is to examine the significance of technology anxiety within the UTAUT framework by determining VLE adoption intentions of Sri Lankan state university lecturers. A developing country like Sri Lanka can potentially expand higher education sector potentials through ICT integration into the state universities. Thus, understanding lecturer's perceptions about educational technologies such as VLEs is valuable. An online survey tool was used for data collection. # 219 valid responses were obtained. Data analysed using structured equation modelling. By adding technology anxiety as an external component (i.e., affection) to UTAUT factors (mainly cognitive and behavioural), this study enhanced the response power of the framework. Further, the theorised relationships between UTAUT factors and technology anxiety would fulfil the gap in the lack of literature that connects affective, cognitive components to predict technology adoption. Results revealed that performance expectancy and facilitating conditions have positive correlations with VLE adoption intention, while technology anxiety confirms its significant negative effect on the same. Further, it was found that technology anxiety has positive effects on both performance expectancy and effort expectancy although only PE indicate a mediation effect. The effect of technology anxiety on all hypothesised relationships was moderated by lecturer's age and gender.
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