Personality composition and performance in entrepreneurial teams: understanding the impact of stability and plasticity traits in a relative contribution model
by Tobias Kollmann; Christoph Stöckmann; Jana W. Linstaedt; Julia M. Kensbock
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (IJEV), Vol. 13, No. 3, 2021
Abstract: Considering that personalities of entrepreneurs are diverse, we examine how the personality composition of entrepreneurial teams affects team performance. Given the specific challenges of the entrepreneurship setting, we suggest a new understanding of the team composition-team performance link by (1) taking a meta-perspective to personality that considers the stability vs. plasticity underlying the Big Five traits and by (2) applying a relative contribution (minimum/maximum) conceptualisation of team composition. We conduct a quantitative study with 104 entrepreneurial teams. Our findings indicate that high entrepreneurial team performance requires all team members to have minimum levels of stability-related traits (agreeableness, emotional stability, conscientiousness), but only one team member with high plasticity-related traits (openness, extraversion).
Online publication date: Wed, 04-Aug-2021
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