Block chain: a pathway to improve performance measures of supply chain
by Reena Jain; Mona Verma
International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics (IJSOI), Vol. 11, No. 2/3, 2021

Abstract: An efficient supply chain (SC) is an integral part of every business and indeed need of an hour to meet competitive scenario created due to consumer-oriented market. The inefficiency in SC is due to poor information sharing and lack of coordination among different echelons of SC, which causes the bullwhip effect. To eliminate the aforementioned problem, the concept of block chain is introduced. This research aims to evolve a methodology which can give insight for maintaining high performance SC through technique of block chain, a decentralised platform, accessible to each member of SC. The findings of this study suggest that the block chain is a modern, applicable and sustainable technique which can improve performance measures of SC by making information sharing better and instant and can eradicate the reasons of the bullwhip effect. Finally, in the end, demerits of the block chain in the context of SC are also discussed.

Online publication date: Thu, 26-Aug-2021

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