Factors affecting the export of condoms from Thailand to the USA using simultaneous equations with the GMM method
by Sakkarin Nonthapot
International Journal of Business and Globalisation (IJBG), Vol. 29, No. 2, 2021

Abstract: The objectives of this research are to investigate: 1) the factors affecting the quantity demand for condom imports; 2) the quantity supply of condom exports from Thailand to the USA. This research employs quarterly data from 2001:Q1 to 2018:Q2. The analysis employs a simultaneous equation system and is estimated by the generalise method of moments (GMM) method. The results reveal that: 1) the import condom price of India and gross national product are positive and negative effects on the quantity demand of condom exports from Thailand to the USA, respectively while the import condom price of India is insignificant; 2) the latex rubber price, the wages of non-agricultural workers, and the exchange rate (Baht/USD) are negative effects on the quantity supply of condom exports from Thailand to the USA. These can bring about the differentiation of condoms to maintain the level of condom imports in the US market.

Online publication date: Mon, 18-Oct-2021

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