Non-serial feedback queue model with four servers providing at most once revisit facility with distinct transition probabilities
by Meenu Mittal; Deepak Gupta; Renu Gupta
International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking (IJPMB), Vol. 11, No. 6, 2021

Abstract: The present paper deals with the mathematical modelling of non-serial feedback queue system consisting of four servers. The customer entering into the system may get the required service at any one or more out of these four service channels. In case the service provided at any of these service channels remains unsuccessful, then maximum one time revisit facility is available to the customer to get successful service. Transition probabilities of customer for leaving any server to move from one server to another in second visit have been assumed distinct from that in first visit. Model is made clear with the help of numerical illustration.

Online publication date: Wed, 20-Oct-2021

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