The moderating role of innovation valance between adoption and actual use of e-government services: an extension of DeLone and McLean information success model
by Yanal Mahmoud Mohammad Kilani
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 26, No. 3, 2021

Abstract: The present study investigates e-government services adoption with innovative and services quality factors. An amalgamated research model is developed with the help of two well-known theories namely, diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory and DeLone and McLean (D&M) information success model. For inferential data analysis, structural equation modelling (SEM) approach is used. Findings revealed that intention to adopt e-government services is jointly predicted by information quality, system quality, service quality, compatibility, innovativeness, computer self-efficacy and explained R2 76.1% variance in intention to adopt e-government services. The moderating role of innovation valance is confirmed between user intention and actual user of e-government services. Effect size analysis (f2) revealed that system quality is the most influential factor to investigate user behaviour towards adoption e-government services. Finally, it is suggested that managers and policy makers should focus on system quality, user intention to adopt, compatibility, innovation valance and information quality to enhance actual use of e-government services.

Online publication date: Thu, 09-Dec-2021

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