Mobile game-based learning system for a local language
by Melvin Inertia Soclo; Olufemi Deborah Ninan; Karen Cowan Olufokunbi
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (IJMLO), Vol. 16, No. 1, 2022

Abstract: The problem of language endangerment as a result of deficiency among the Bassa natives of Liberia and the prevention of the extinction threat posed on the language motivates the need to explore the use of game-based learning system for its resolution. A bilingual Electronic Dictionary (ED) for automatic translation of English text to equivalent Bassa language text alongside its corresponding audio pronunciation on an Android-based mobile device was developed. The system was designed using the Unified Modelling Language (UML) tools and implemented using the Java programming language in Android studio environment. The system was evaluated using Mean Opinion Score (MOS). Result of evaluation shows that age is directly proportional to the knowledge of Bassa language in Liberia. It was evident that the elderly Bassa natives have better knowledge of the language while the younger ones have less or do not understand at all. The mobile application software developed in this work will aid youth learner of the Bassa language.

Online publication date: Tue, 04-Jan-2022

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