Fast position tracking control of PMSM under high frequency and variable load
by Jiafeng Zhang; Jinghua Wang; Yang Liu
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 67, No. 2/3, 2021

Abstract: Based on the force and deflection characteristics of the rudder of supercavitating vehicle, this paper presents a motor control problem: 'Fast position Tracking control of PMSM Under High Frequency and variable Load' (simplified as 'FTUHFL'). However, 'Traditional PID' (simplified as 'TPID') position tracker cannot solve the 'FTUHFL' problem very well, its position tracking effect is poor. In order to solve the 'FTUHFL' problem and improve the position tracking effect of PMSM, this paper, based on the 'TPID' position tracker, proposes the 'Traditional PID + Speed Fuzzy Feedforward Compensation + Current Feedforward Compensation' (simplified as 'TPID + SFFC + CFC') position tracker. Firstly, the design method of 'SFFC' and 'CFC' feedforward controllers is given. Then theoretical analysis shows that the stability will not be changed after introducing 'SFFC' and 'CFC' on the basis of 'TPID'. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed 'TPID + SFFC + CFC' position tracker in solving the 'FTUHFL' problem is further verified by simulation experiments. Compared with 'TPID', 'TPID + SFFC + CFC' position tracker has better response speed, position tracking accuracy and anti-load-disturbance performance.

Online publication date: Thu, 17-Mar-2022

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