Research on pole placement approach of non-standard state space model with case study
by Yizhi Wang; Zhong Yang; Shanshan Gu; Weina Chen; Zhenzhong Yu
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (IJMIC), Vol. 37, No. 3/4, 2021

Abstract: Pole placement is a very significant method to improve system performance regarding state feedback control system based on state space approach. However, the criteria to apply pole placement is rather restricted, especially to a complicated system, requiring a model fully controllable and in standard controllable form. This paper puts effort to expand the feasibility of pole placement method regarding those with non-standard form but proved controllable, by constructing a Hankel matrix into state feedback path for matrix transmission. Also, this paper gives a general progress to construct Hankel matrix in pole placement, which is proved to facilitate the Hankel-improvement method effectively. Additionally, the proposed method is applied to an industrial case study based on its state space model for validation. Simulation results show that, after successful pole placement, system stability and steady state error have been improved significantly.

Online publication date: Thu, 07-Apr-2022

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