An innovative project for equity and mobilisation at work? The case of IRIS project in a French territorial civil service
by Johanna Habib, Olivier Keramidas
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management (IJHRDM), Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007

Abstract: Our main goal is to analyse the concept of equity and its fluctuations during an innovation process, the IRIS project. We analyse and evaluate, by the way of a qualitative methodology, the project impact on the agents' feeling of equity and therefore on their mobilisation level. The results show that the agents' implication in the innovation project proceeds in two distinct phases. One, purely innovative, highlights a feeling of mobilisation in the creative phase that favours a feeling of equity or even of up-equity; and another, a phase of work stabilisation oriented comes unlike with a feeling of sub-equity.

Online publication date: Fri, 02-Feb-2007

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