Impact of strategic agility on creating competitive advantage: evidence from Jordanian insurance companies
by Ayat Saed Mohammad
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 28, No. 1, 2022

Abstract: This research was conducted to examine the impact of strategic agility on creating a competitive advantage by offering evidence from the insurance companies in Jordan. The population of the study consists of managers at the higher levels working in the insurance companies of Jordan. A questionnaire was developed for collecting the required data. The population was of 288 respondents who were selected for the research in which the sample was 167, with all questionnaires valid for statistical analysis. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses of the research. The results of the study show that strategic agility has an impact on competitive advantage. Based on the study results, managers and decision-makers of insurance companies in Jordan have to improve their ability to create values to clients, and work with chain partners in order to involve them of their decisions and outcomes using their capabilities to provide insurance services, which they provide at prices lower than competitors, or provide better products according to specifications required by their customers.

Online publication date: Thu, 19-May-2022

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