A study of the tweets of successful investors in order to identify their personality
by R. Ramprakash; C. Joe Arun
Global Business and Economics Review (GBER), Vol. 27, No. 1, 2022

Abstract: The thrust of the study is to determine the dominant personality traits of successful investors by studying their tweets in Twitter and subsequently demonstrate how these traits influence the behaviour and performance of such investors in investment related realms and in financial management. Given the importance of tweets in indicating personality traits of individuals, this study selected 25 successful investors and performed a linguistic analysis of their tweets using linguistic inquiry and word count (LIWC) software. The results of the study show that successful investors predominantly exhibit two personality traits, namely, emotional stability and openness. Nevertheless, the study found that conscientiousness has been the fundamental trait among all the investors, across the clusters. Interestingly, the study also found that successful investors have low agreeableness and do not exhibit extraversion.

Online publication date: Fri, 29-Jul-2022

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