Opinion mining to win consumers in the e-commerce space – a case study approach
by Santhosh Kumar Arjunan; Punniyamoorthy Murugesan; Ernest Johnson
International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation (IJLEG), Vol. 9, No. 4, 2022

Abstract: The word 'social media' where social refers to an interaction between individual or business to actively share their opinion about topics of common interests and the word media refers to the channel where this information sharing occurs. Though the age of social media was more than two decades, in recent years the traction for using this information for decision making saw a huge surge. This paper explains one of the aspects of how the opinion of the customers affects the business and how business leverages this information to make decisions. This research evaluates not only product reviews on a whole but also focused on the different aspects or features that contributed to the positive or negative reviews by using customised domain-specific libraries. Also, this paper uses a hybrid custom kernel function for opinions mining. Finally, we measured the performance of the product at two different time frames and their impact.

Online publication date: Tue, 04-Oct-2022

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