Data protection and threat prediction in industrial IoT cloud environment
by Satish S. Salunkhe; Aditya Tandon; J. Thimmia Raja; S. Narayanan; Varsha; D. Ramkumar
International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation (IJESMS), Vol. 13, No. 4, 2022

Abstract: There are several cloud computing data protection systems depending on accessibility control, attribute-based encryption (ABE), security and reputations, but still, it is disjointed and lacks a cohesive rationale. I-IoT systems including data protection and threat security metrics are discussed in this paper. I-IoT layered method that is general and extended, with privacy, security features and layers detection is proposed. To protect the user's private data, security procedures and crucial management events are established amongst all the lower, moderate and higher levels. To permit data flow across the levels of the proposed cloud computed powered I-IoT paradigm, we built security certificates. The proposed systematic method eliminates potential security vulnerabilities and is also utilised in conjunction with the optimal security approaches to mitigate the security threats on cloud computed decentralised industrial IoT systems and devices. The assaults toward I-IoT systems are described in this paper, and a detailed examination of remedies to these attacks.

Online publication date: Wed, 19-Oct-2022

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