Customer journey in fashion industry: online or offline
by Raquel Tapadinhas; Leandro Pereira; João Geraldes; Rui Gonçalves; Álvaro Dias; Renato Lopes da Costa
International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics (IJSOI), Vol. 12, No. 2, 2022

Abstract: Technological improvements are allowing the development of the customer experience both online and offline, and the purpose is to create a better experience. Nowadays, customers can decide to purchase products/services in two different ways: online or offline. The online experience has been changing the way companies reach the customer, while in-store experience is the traditional way of purchasing. This study analyses the customer journey and the most important attributes when the customer wants to purchase a product and must choose between the two channels in the fashion industry. It is important to understand why customers choose a channel instead of the other one, and if the combination of the two channels can improve customer experience. It used a qualitative methodology based on a set of interviews that provide results using content and cluster analysis. The main findings indicate that sensory elements are essential when customers want to purchase a clothing item and that is one of the reasons that customers, in general, prefer to purchase offline.

Online publication date: Thu, 20-Oct-2022

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