Resistance to swelling of strategic gender disparity: support of microfinance
by Biswajit Prasad Chhatoi
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB), Vol. 47, No. 2/3, 2022

Abstract: Is enhanced income-generating ability due to microfinance participation has any impact on women empowerment? The current research explores riposte to the perennial research questions associated with social impact and gender disparity. More specifically, the researchers have tried to estimate the impact of microfinance participation on strategic gender need (SGN) decision-making. The researcher has collected information on different aspects of SGN and the socio-economic condition of 660 microfinance beneficiaries spread over four districts through a well-structured schedule. Rapid rural appraisal (RRA) technique was used to understand the working of self-help groups (SHGs) and the beneficiary's role in business and household activity. A probit model was used to estimate the impact of microfinance on SGN decision-making. Out of nine variables of SGN decision-making, microfinance participation, significantly impacts control over own income and creation of business assets. Microcredit participation has minimised the influence of patriarchal society and empowered women to take strategic decision independently. The impact assessment studies in microfinance were primarily focused on economic and social empowerment. Little reviews were found on the minimisation of gender inequalities. The current research is innovative in measuring the impact of microfinance on gender disparity minimisation.

Online publication date: Thu, 03-Nov-2022

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