Entrepreneurial orientation in public sector: The comparative study
by R. Palalıć; Ema Nurković; Ognjen Riđić
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM), Vol. 11, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to investigate whether leadership, networking and business environment have an impact on the entrepreneurial orientation of public sector employees. The primary quantitative survey instrument was utilised to collect data from 204 participants in Montenegro (MNE) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), using the convenience sampling method. The cross-sectional data collection method was utilised to collect data in the period April-August 2019. The study used t-test and regression analysis in attaining results for the proposed hypotheses. Results show the difference between B&H and MNE regarding the entrepreneurial intentions of public sector workers. While, in Montenegro, the networking could influence the entrepreneurial intentions of public sector employees, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the results are indicating that leadership, networking and business environment have influenced the entrepreneurial intentions of public sector employees. This study provides a significant contribution to the understanding of the entrepreneurial intentions of public sector employees in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Online publication date: Thu, 26-Jan-2023

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