Optimising the drilling process parameters of Kevlar-epoxy composite material using the experimental design-based goal programming approach
by Yusuf Tansel İç; İmdat Kara
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology (IJMPT), Vol. 66, No. 2, 2023

Abstract: In this study, we present an experimental design-based goal programming approach to determine the optimum values of the cutting parameters in the drilling process of Kevlar-epoxy composite material. As a result of the experiments, we measured the surface roughness and delamination factor of the drilling hole. We obtained the regression functions for surface roughness and delamination using the 2k factorial design approach. Then, the cutting parameter values that will optimise the delamination and surface roughness were found with the goal programming method. The difference between the presented study and the published studies in the literature is that it proposes an integrated experimental design and goal programming approaches to find the optimal parameter values for different target values to minimise surface roughness and delamination at the same time. We have concluded that the proposed method is suitable considering different goal values for obtaining the optimum drilling parameters.

Online publication date: Fri, 03-Feb-2023

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