Global gig economy: prospects and key growth threats for developing countries
by Elena A. Okunkova; Irina V. Kosorukova; Tatyana G. Lazareva; Elena V. Korolyuk; Alla V. Bogomolova
International Journal of Work Innovation (IJWI), Vol. 3, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to identify the threats to developing countries caused by the rapid development of the gig economy based on flexible forms of working relationships, as well as the formation of recommendations for the implementation of state policy as part of their levelling. The article determines that developed countries are leading in the number of employees on freelance exchanges. Developing countries dominate in terms of the total number of freelancers. It proved that the education index and the share of self-employment are characterised by a close inverse correlation, and the second indicator is associated with a low level of development of labour relations and problems in the economic development. It is revealed that a relatively high level of education of the population with a low level of development of labour relations contributes to the growth of the number of freelancers.

Online publication date: Tue, 07-Feb-2023

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