How enviropreneurial marketing research evolved overtime: a bibliometric analysis from 1999 to 2021
by Deepanshi Aggarwal
African J. of Economic and Sustainable Development (AJESD), Vol. 9, No. 2, 2023

Abstract: This study thoroughly investigates the worldwide available articles regarding enviropreneurial marketing for assessing its current status, growth and performance tendencies from 1999 to 2021 utilising the bibliometric technique. Initially, the Scopus database was used to retrieve related papers, which resulted in 1822 documents. But, only 336 articles met the inclusion-exclusion criterion, which forms the core data source for bibliometric analysis. Further, a quantitative analysis of the overall status of enviropreneurial marketing publications using Scopus was conducted to analyse the publication trends year-wise, most prolific authors, leading organisations and topmost contributing countries. Furthermore, the VOSviewer software was employed to evaluate collaborations network among authors, organisations, countries and co-occurrence of all keywords in finding prime clusters that reflect the leading research themes which are getting more significant consideration in recent years.

Online publication date: Tue, 14-Feb-2023

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