Study of hybrid electric vehicle energy-saving control based on multi-agent
by Limin Niu; Quanquan Zhang; Fentian Zhu; Jianmei Lv; Hongyuan Yang
International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing (IJVSMT), Vol. 16, No. 3, 2022

Abstract: In order to reduce the fuel consumption of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), a multi-agent energy saving control method is proposed. The engine, motor, battery and other powertrain components subsystem agent model is established, meanwhile, the powertrain coordinated control framework based on multi-agent system is built. A multi-objective optimisation algorithm of power distribution for minimum global energy cost combined with the minimum equivalent fuel consumption (ECMS) is proposed. All agents optimise its operating efficiency to limit the request torque, and the control of HEV powertrain is coordinated by the interaction between different agents about compensation torque information. The hardware in the loop simulation based on D2P (From Development to Production) system of the powertrain multi-agent system is verified. Simulation and bench test results show that the HEV powertrain multi-agent coordinated control algorithm can distribute the power according to different driving cycles adaptively, and the HEV fuel economy is improved effectively.

Online publication date: Wed, 22-Feb-2023

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