Role of social media addiction on self-esteem and mediating effect of mindfulness
by Kajul Bharti; Akshay Kumar Satsangi
International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy (IJMCP), Vol. 16, No. 2, 2023

Abstract: In recent times, social media addiction is a very common issue among individuals. Social media addiction has become a topic of high interest and concern in society because it is an urge-driven disorder with a strong compulsive component. Mindfulness is described as being in the present moment and self-esteem refers to respect for one's own self and knowing one's own worth. This study has been conducted to know the social media addiction and its influence on self-esteem and a mediation effect of mindfulness. The present empirical study involved 288 respondents whose data had been collected employing a snowball sampling method. Confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis have been used to analyse the result. The findings suggest that there is a significant direct impact of social media addiction on self-esteem with or without the mediation effect of mindfulness. The study also reveals that there is an existence of partial mediation.

Online publication date: Tue, 04-Apr-2023

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