Industrial infrastructure and economic platform development for social and sustainable enterprise encouragement of cottage industries: case study of Bishnupur West Bengal
by Aditi Nag
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 28, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: Indian rural cottage industries have been a significant income source for non-farming populace but have faced numerous problems related to collaboration of the state and business to pursue SDGs, including lack of facilitation of pro-active contribution of MSMEs towards sustainability through capacity building and strengthening of sustainability element to reach various possibilities of growth and management. Conceptualising the need for infrastructure development in the sector for involvement of both supply chain and community level through stakeholder identification is lacking. Bishnupur is encountering similar circumstances and thus losing artisans to urbanisation and negligible profit. They are not only economically dependent but also infrastructurally indigent. The research aims at analysing the economic involvement scale and sustainability of Bishnupur municipality's cottage industries through socio-economic impact assessment outlining problems, their covariance and regression to business principles as well as difference using ANOVA analysis; helping generate framework of policy and understand applicable ways to achieve SDGs.

Online publication date: Wed, 05-Apr-2023

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