Wear characteristics of Al-Mg2Si alloys of various weight fractions
by R. Sundaramoorthy
International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation (IJMATEI), Vol. 14, No. 2, 2023

Abstract: Industrial applications such as aerospace and defence can benefit from its high strength-to-weight ratio, low thermal expansion coefficient, and good wear resistance. Because of its light weight and simplicity of machining, it has become a popular choice for manufacturing. It is also worth noting that the finish is excellent. These changes necessitate further investigation of Al-Mg2Si alloys. The wear properties of the alloys were examined in this study. Casting was used to develop magnesium-silicide aluminium alloys. Microstructural analysis revealed the existence of a hitherto unidentified magnesium silicide proeutectic. Disc wear behaviour and life span were determined using a computerised pin-on-disc testing procedure. As the sliding distance and time grew, the alloy began to show signs of wear.

Online publication date: Wed, 05-Apr-2023

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