Combining agile and plan-driven methodologies for managing complex IT projects: towards three hybrid models
by Carine Khalil; Sabine Khalil
International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (IJASM), Vol. 16, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: Although previous research works have shown interest in combining agile methodologies with plan-driven project management, no defined hybrid models have been suggested for managing complex projects. Teams lack structured processes that help them integrate agile principles and practices in their plan-driven environment. Given this focus, our paper aims at filling this gap by proposing hybrid models that assists teams in managing complex projects. A qualitative research approach has been adopted. Eighteen semi-structured interviews were conducted. Data analysis highlights three major hybrid models. For each hybrid model, the associated benefits, challenges and success factors were analysed and explained.

Online publication date: Fri, 21-Apr-2023

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