The effect of IT flexibility and IT governance on business-IT strategic alignment
by Farzaneh Mardan; Neda Abdolvand; Saeedeh Rajaee Harandi
International Journal of Business and Systems Research (IJBSR), Vol. 17, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: Business-information technology (IT) alignment has become a very complex phenomenon, and many organisations are wondering how to achieve it. Despite the variety of methods used to address this issue, there are few studies on the impact of IT flexibility and IT governance on IT-business alignment, which is the objective of this study. The results of the study using partial least squares (PLS) method indicated that among IT governance principals the structure (path coefficient = 0.09, T-value > 1.96), process (path coefficient = 0.26, T-value > 1.96), and relational mechanisms (path coefficient = 0.20, T-value > 1.96) were effective on business-IT strategic alignment. In addition, among IT flexibility components the modularity (path coefficient = 0.12, T-value > 1.96), and compatibility (path coefficient = 0.26, T-value > 1.96) had significant effect on business-IT strategic alignment. Moreover, according to the Friedman test results, relational mechanisms have the strongest impact on business-IT strategic alignment.

Online publication date: Tue, 02-May-2023

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