Risk assessment of construction safety of prefabricated building hoisting based on cloud model-entropy method
by Chengkuan Fang; Chunling Zhong; Yunlong Zhang
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 70, No. 3/4, 2022

Abstract: In order to ensure the safety of assembly building hoisting construction, the safety risk assessment index and model of assembly construction are studied. Based on assembly building hoisting construction characteristics, accident inducement, field investigation and literature research, the safety risk assessment model of assembly building hoisting construction based on the cloud model and entropy weight method is constructed. Using the cloud model effectively reduces the fuzziness and randomness of risk assessment data, and then using the entropy weight method, the weight coefficient of the evaluation index is given, which effectively avoids the subjectivity of expert weighting. The model is applied to engineering examples, and good results are achieved. The results show that the risk level evaluation results of the model are consistent with the field risk level, indicating that the model can objectively and accurately evaluate the risk level of assembly building hoisting construction.

Online publication date: Sat, 13-May-2023

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