The effects of COVID-19 on global tourism
by Priya Harchandani; Samik Shome
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 31, No. 2, 2023

Abstract: The world is facing an unprecedented situation with COVID-19 posing many socioeconomic challenges to tackle. While projections of UNWTO suggest that international tourist arrivals could decline by 60%-80% for 2020, global tourism has once again come under the radar of crises. This study explores the ramifications of the pandemic on global tourism and its allied industries on a regional basis. The findings reveal Asia-Pacific region has been the most affected followed by Europe and America due to restrictions imposed on travel and tourism sector across nations. The paper also discusses the policy responses taken by several economies across the world and provides an overview of the future policy decisions which will be crucial for the sustenance of the global tourism sector. Tourism, a resilient and flexible sector, requires several structural adjustments in order to survive and recover and rebuild consumer confidence in order to promote future tourism.

Online publication date: Tue, 13-Jun-2023

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