Critical behavioural index for improving collaborative working in projects teams using fuzzy synthetic evaluation
by Florence Yaa Akyia Ellis; Samuel Amos-Abanyie; Titus Ebenezer Kwofie; Samuel Owusu Afram; Clinton Ohis Aigbavboa
International Journal of Project Organisation and Management (IJPOM), Vol. 15, No. 2, 2023

Abstract: Understanding the typologies of critical team behaviours that can optimise collaborative working in construction project delivery is lacking in construction management literature. This study uses fuzzy synthetic evaluation from a questionnaire survey to determine the critical behavioural typologies for effective collaborative working in project teams from a behavioural index. The results showed communication behaviours as the most critical followed by proactive behaviours, boundary-spanning behaviours, ethical behaviours, leadership behaviours and managerial behaviours. Given the significance of behaviours in human functioning, the insight given by this study is expected to motivate project teams to adapt, develop and improve on these behaviours towards effective collaborative working. The findings should also be relevant in cognitive behavioural needs and development in complex interdependent teamwork and task functions in project delivery. The index can engender improved team behaviours in collaborative working that is the key to behavioural management in teamwork and organisations.

Online publication date: Mon, 26-Jun-2023

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