Research and design of online drug mall system based on SOA
by Yong Peng; Shi Wang
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET), Vol. 42, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: The development of online drug mall system is getting faster and faster. However, when the online drug mall system expands various subsystems with different functions to meet various drug sales rules, the information interaction between each subsystem and the management of different systems have become a problem to be solved urgently. In view of this phenomenon, the traditional online drug mall system needs a unified integrated platform with simple structure and convenient management. We propose and develop an online drug mall system based on the SOA architecture. The SOA architecture can effectively improve concurrency, scalability, flexibility and low maintenance cost of the online drug mall system. The system fully implements the required functions, and has certain stability and reliability, and can provide users with a good user experience.

Online publication date: Tue, 27-Jun-2023

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