Workplace: an empirical study on spiritual leadership in Pakistani higher education
by Ansar Abbas; Dian Ekowati; Fendy Suhariadi; Aisha Anwar
International Journal of Business and Systems Research (IJBSR), Vol. 17, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: Management that encourages workplace support can successfully cover productive work, a sense of identity, and organisational goals. Spirituality inculcates a positive workplace environment that connects individuals and groups. It generates confidence in workers by promoting membership and meaningfulness towards corporate life. A causal framework containing hope, faith, and altruism works for an individual's well-being by imparting meaningfulness to the desire to make an undeniable impact on organisational productivity and commitment. In this study, a Likert scale questionnaire was used with public and private sector university employees in Pakistan to test the hypothetical model using convenient sampling. Overall, 232 interested employees filled out the printed questionnaire computed for completing statistical analysis consuming SPSS and Smart-PLS. We discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the causal framework through rigorous research and theoretical reasoning. Moreover, we also discussed individual well-being, psychological beliefs, and strategic directions with practical and social implications.

Online publication date: Fri, 30-Jun-2023

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