Adaptive controller design based on grasshopper optimisation technique for BG regulation in TIDM patient
by Girija Sankar Panigrahi; Akshaya Kumar Patra; Anuja Nanda; Sanjeeb Kumar Kar
International Journal of Automation and Control (IJAAC), Vol. 17, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: This article demonstrates the design of the grasshopper optimisation-variable parameter-tilt integral-derivative-filter (GO-VPTIDF) controller to inject an ideal dose of insulin via artificial pancreases (AP) for control of blood glucose (BG) level in the type-I diabetes mellitus (TIDM) patients. The grasshopper optimisation technique (GOA) is utilised to adjust the controller gains for better BG control in the proposed patient model. This classical controller with GOA is seen to enhance the patient performance and robustness. The nonlinearities present in patient model cause BG control issues. The use of AP based GOA efficiently to overcome the nonlinearities in the patient model and to maintain BG level in the range of normo-glycemia (70-120 mg/dl). This proposed patient model with GO-VPTIDF is analysed for upgraded accuracy, stability, robustness, noise suppression, and better ability to handle uncertainties. The comparative results investigation with different control techniques discloses the cause of advanced control execution of the proposed approach.

Online publication date: Fri, 30-Jun-2023

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