Field quantification and spatial variation of bed load transport in mountain stream: a case study of Gujarat (India)
by V.K. Yadav; S.M. Yadav; T. Kumar
International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology (IJHST), Vol. 16, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: Bed load was directly measured for Chottey Cauvery stream, Gujarat, India, by using Modified Helley-Smith bed load sampler. The sampling time was taken as ten minutes. Based on these bed load measurement, Spatial (lateral and longitudinal) variation of bed load transport rate was analysed. Lateral bed load transport increases with increase in depth of flow; however, bed load transport rate is decreasing as the depth of flow increases towards the centre line of the river (chainage from 4m to 7m,) for all the three runs. Significant Spatial variation of bed load is observed at CS-2 with maximum bed load transport rate at chainage of 2 m and 9 m for 60% of the sampling data. Recking's bed load equation is affected by the spatial variation of bed load transport rate with 75% and 59% predictability whereas Shields' bed load equation predicts with 67% predictability as compared with the measured spatial bed load transport rate.

Online publication date: Tue, 04-Jul-2023

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