Treatment process conformance checking of patients (with sepsis and septic shock) in compliance with SSC and WMA using fuzzy miner algorithm in Fluxicon Disco
by Parham Porouhan
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences (IJADS), Vol. 16, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: This paper emphasises presenting a process-centric approach to provide analytical processing of medical event-logs by means of the process mining tool: 'Fluxicon Disco'. The event log contains the treatment procedures of the septic patients along with relevant medical testing and other services since admission (to the hospital) until final discharge. The main objectives of the study are: 1) to generate visual maps for septic cases/patients; 2) to check the hospital's medical guidelines; 3) to explore and control deviations of the medical requirements; 4) to simulate and visualise the bottleneck areas; 5) to optimise the hospital's efficiency; 6) to discover who is doing what; 7) to provide groundwork for applying fuzzy miner algorithm for further and future research in the field of medical process improvement. The study found a significant amount of medical malpractice associated with violation of SSC and WMA guidelines when treating the septic cases/patients.

Online publication date: Tue, 04-Jul-2023

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