A wideband G-shaped array antenna for X and Ku band applications
by Ponugoti Vamshi; Mysa Hari Haran Kumar; Vaishnavi Govind; V. Harini; Aylapogu Pramod Kumar
International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications (IJSCC), Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: A wideband microstrip G-shaped antenna array is described in this study that performs in X and Ku band applications. The wideband operation, transmitted power, bandwidth, gain, and polarisation type all have a role in the choice of radiating element form. The reflection coefficient values are observed as -10.6 dB, -10.5 dB, -12.09 dB, -11.14 dB, -13.8 dB, -14.2 dB and -20.46 dB at resonating frequencies like 8.21 GHz, 10.45 GHz, 11.7 GHz, 12.2 GHz, 12.47 GHz, 14 GHz, and 15 GHz with again values of 2.42 dBi, 2.86 dBi, 4.24 dBi, 3.32 dBi, 4.09 dBi, 6.25 dBi and 6.34 dBi. The suggested antenna prototype is constructed and simulated for a frequency range of 10 GHz to 16 GHz, with a fractional bandwidth of 46.15%. According to the simulation findings, the suggested wideband array antenna design is theoretically viable.

Online publication date: Wed, 05-Jul-2023

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