Internet of things technologies in developing countries - a holistic view of consumer adoption behaviour
by Imrana Yasmin; Mily Akhter
International Journal of Technology Marketing (IJTMKT), Vol. 17, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: Internet of things (IoT), an emerging technology and promising paradigm, is transforming almost every industry. This paper presents a holistic view of the most common and prominent factors influencing individuals' adoption of the IoT in developing countries by incorporating four exogenous constructs-product related, security-related, social, and individual factors. The study also explores cognitive and affective responses toward technology as key antecedents of adoption intention. The study employed a mixed research approach using the PLS-SEM method. Results indicate that: 1) product-related, security-related and individual factors have a significant impact on cognitive responses and thus intention to adopt; 2) social factors have a direct impact on affective responses; 3) both cognitive and affective responses directly influence intention to adopt IoT devices. This study highlights factors that affect consumers' intention to adopt IoT technologies, which can serve as a basis for tailoring an effective marketing strategy for IoT devices.

Online publication date: Wed, 12-Jul-2023

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