Last mile delivery of grocery bins in Paris: costs from routing strategies with autonomous delivery vehicles
by Quoc-Thông Nguyen; Jérémy Patrix; Ouail Oulmakki; Diana G. Ramirez-Rios; Jérôme Verny
International Journal of Integrated Supply Management (IJISM), Vol. 16, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: Last mile delivery is a major component in the growth of e-commerce, especially in urban areas. The deliveries in dense cities cause serious issues such as pollution and congestion. In this study, we compare the financial costs of different last mile delivery strategies of grocery bins by autonomous delivery vehicles in a scenario in Paris. The optimal delivery routes are calculated with the real dataset in urban areas of Paris. We compared delivery costs by using: logistical costs associated with vehicles and human resources, location data with time window constraints for establishments in Paris, and delivery scenarios obtained by solving vehicle routing problems. This research considers an economic analysis of daily delivery to help fleet operators optimise their costs by using these autonomous delivery vehicles while reducing CO2 emissions and congestion in urban areas.

Online publication date: Wed, 12-Jul-2023

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