Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: an empirical case study on the impact of benefits generated through smartphone applications Online publication date: Fri, 14-Jul-2023
by Erum Shaikh; Waqas Ahmed Watto; Mohsen Brahmi; Muhammad Nawaz Tunio; Sheeraz Niaz Lighari
International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM), Vol. 12, No. 1/2, 2023
Abstract: The purpose of this research paper is to ascertain what factors are responsible for the increase or decrease in the customer loyalty and customer satisfaction while using Pakistani branded smartphone applications. The methodology used in this study is quantitative, in this regard; the data was collected from 323 respondents on a structured questionnaire using a judgemental sampling technique in a minimal interference setting. Factor analysis, correlation and regression test were used to analyse the data analysis through the SPSS version 21.0. Findings and results reveal that hedonic benefits have the most significant and positive impact whereas learning and personal benefits had much significant and positive impact on the dependent variables: 1) customer loyalty; 2) the customer satisfaction respectively. The originality of paper indicates that study can help the Pakistani marketers and developers of the smartphone applications to conquer the mind of the customers. This study is limited to the one-time analysis of the events and the nature of the data is cross-sectional therefore, it is recommended to conduct a longitudinal research in order to observe the individual indebtedness over a period of time.
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