Isoerodent map (R-factor) for the Isser watershed in Algeria
by Aziz Maaliou; Mohammed Lamine Tighilt; Liatim Mouzai
International Journal of Water (IJW), Vol. 15, No. 2, 2022

Abstract: The erosive force of the rains is expressed in the rainfall-runoff erosivity factor (R). Rainfall erosivity takes into account the amount and intensity of rainfall, and is most often expressed by the R factor in the USLE model and its revised version, RUSLE. The low availability of data obliges soil erosion modellers to estimate this factor on the basis of rainfall data with low temporal resolution (daily, monthly, annual averages). The aim of this study is to assess the erosivity of rainfall in the Isser watershed in the form of the RUSLE R factor, from the best available datasets. This work represents a cartographic synthesis of the rainfall erosivity index R of the Isser watershed in Algeria. Thus, this study can prove to be interesting when used with the plot of the values of this index and makes it possible to facilitate the study of the risk erosion.

Online publication date: Mon, 17-Jul-2023

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