Perception of citizen towards e-governance in India: comparative analysis in education, healthcare and agriculture industry
by Rohini Jha; Aveek Basu
International Journal of Business Performance Management (IJBPM), Vol. 24, No. 3/4, 2023

Abstract: E-governance is employed for communicating the usage of governance, and its application in data technology (IT), is common in today's world. Also, it is utilised for distributing knowledge among the citizens. The objective of this work is to explore the perception of Indian citizens on e-governances as digital transformation in the post COVID era will ameliorate the society as a whole. Hence, three primary sectors which include healthcare, agriculture and education that play a pivotal role are analysed thoroughly in this context based on the responses of a set of questionnaires. Subsequently, the rates of the questions are elaborated and validated using the LISREL data analysis tool. From the info analysis, several statistical metrics are attained; each metrics values are again tested with p-value, Z-score and chi-square. Finally, the expansion rate percentage of above mentioned three domains have been tabulated.

Online publication date: Tue, 18-Jul-2023

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