Design of artificial pancreas based on HGAPSO-FOPID control algorithm
by Akshaya Kumar Patra; Anuja Nanda
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET), Vol. 42, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: This manuscript presents the design of hybrid genetic algorithm-particle swarm optimisation-fractional order proportional integral derivative (HGAPSO-FOPID) controller to inject the optimal dose of insulin through the artificial pancreases (AP) for blood glucose (BG) regulation in Type-I diabetes mellitus (TIDM) patients. In this strategy, the controller parameters are tuned based on the HGAPSO technique for better control execution. The productivity of the HGAPSO-FOPID controller as to accuracy, robustness and stability is tested by use of MATLAB and SIMULINK. The procured outputs reveal the better implementation of HGAPSO-FOPID controller to regulate the BG level within the range of normo-glycaemia (70-120 mg/dl). The justification of improved control execution of the proposed controller is revealed by the relative result examination with other well-known control techniques.

Online publication date: Fri, 28-Jul-2023

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