Jaya-based CAViaR: Hadamard product and key matrix for privacy preservation and data sharing in cloud computing environment
by Shubangini Patil; Rekha Patil
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC), Vol. 14, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: Cloud computing system is a powerful computing resource mainly used for data publication and data subscription. Because cloud environment handles a large volume of information, privacy becomes a challenging task during data sharing. Hence, an effective method is designed for data privacy preservation using the proposed Jaya-based CAViaR model. The privacy factor is measured using Database Difference Ratio (DBDR), and the utility factor is designed using Tanimoto similarity measure. The data to be shared is protected using key matrix and Hadamard product such that the optimal matrix is generated using the proposed Jaya-based CAViaR model. The data sharing is accomplished among cloud storage, user and Third-Party Verification and Validation (TPVV), respectively. Moreover, the protected data is effectively retrieved using a key matrix. However, the proposed model obtained better performance in terms of metrics, like accuracy, fitness, privacy and utility, with 0.9737, 0.8691, 0.8976 and 0.8407, respectively.

Online publication date: Mon, 31-Jul-2023

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