Determinants of consumer preference towards private label and manufacturer brands in organised packaged food retailing: a factor analysis approach
by Nidhi Tandon; Jayender Verma
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 29, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: The consumer-based correlates seem to be the most prominent determinants of preference towards private label and manufacturer brands in organised packaged food retailing. The literature on determinants of consumer preference towards private label and manufacturer brands in organised packaged food retailing identifies consumer mindsets and 'considerations sets' as being influenced by of changes in consumer's perceptions of product attributes, on account of changes in pre-held consumer inclinations, or on account of changes in perceptions with regard to category management across stores-based shelves and perceptions of prior loyalties. The study hence derived from a sample size of 438 and establishes relationship amongst the aspects. The theoretical contributions of the study lies in the benefits that the grocery retailers seem to realise and the integration of the scattered pieces of theory and literature that could be of vital help for leveraging the power of customer psychographics in facilitating the shift from national brands to store promoted retailer brands in food retailing. The research findings promote the earlier studies under the umbrella of 'cue utilisation' theory, 'planned behavioural' prospects, 'expected utility' prospects and 'self-perception' theory.

Online publication date: Wed, 09-Aug-2023

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