A comprehensive review of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing sector: current status and future research direction
by Rajeev Rathi; Mahipal Singh; Chinthapatla Vishnu Vardhan Rao; Varanasi Bhanu Teja; Ankit Kadian; Tanish Saxena
International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services (IJIMS), Vol. 9, No. 2/3, 2023

Abstract: Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technology is getting a wide attention in manufacturing environment because of having capability to enhance revenues, efficiency and minimise the cost. The literature lacks to explore the current status of I4.0 adoption in manufacturing industries of developing countries. In this regard, the present study theoretically examines the current status of I4.0 adoption in Indian manufacturing setting and also suggests appropriate recommendation for future research. For exploring the status of I4.0, a systematic literature review approach has been adopted. The outcomes reveal that the adoption of I4.0 in developing economy is still in initial phase and requires a rigorous policy and implementation framework of I4.0. The future generation of manufacturing systems is significantly influenced by the quick development of information technology. This paper facilitates managers formulation of smart guidelines through an understanding the of barriers and drivers of I4.0.

Online publication date: Wed, 09-Aug-2023

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