Analysis of green manufacturing attributes through partial least square structural equation modelling
by Jasvinder Singh; Chandan Deep Singh; Dharmpal Deepak
International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services (IJIMS), Vol. 9, No. 2/3, 2023

Abstract: With the rise of industrialisation and globalisation, manufacturing industries are under pressure to integrate more eco-friendly manufacturing techniques into their operations. As per literature, there are huge requirement to consider such factors which drive the green manufacturing (GM) implementation in manufacturing sectors. Therefore, in the present work, GM implementation factors are identified and modelled them in context of the Indian manufacturing industries. The data related to GM implementation factors was collected by sharing online questionnaire with the industry experts and professionals. The collected data have been analysed through partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The result of study reveals that GM implementation issues, organisational style, role of legislation (RoL) in promoting GM and eco knowledge (EcoK) are the main factors that influence the 'GM implementation'. The present work influences the industrial manager and practitioners to construct smart policies and guidelines for GM adoption in the core businesses.

Online publication date: Wed, 09-Aug-2023

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