Establishing and analysing relationship among Green Lean Six Sigma barriers: a structural mapping approach
by Vishwas Yadav; Pardeep Gahlot
International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services (IJIMS), Vol. 9, No. 2/3, 2023

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to comprehend the contextual relationship among GLSS barriers in facilitating the implementation of this novel sustainable approach within industrial organisations. Moreover, different removal measures for the barriers are also suggested in this research. A relationship among GLSS barriers is established through interpretive structural modelling (ISM) and impact matrix cross-reference multiplication applied to classification (MICMAC) analysis, which is the preferred choice of researchers to develop a structural framework. A total of 16 barriers were identified with the help of a systematic literature review and additionally authenticated by the expert opinions of industrial personnel for better applicability. The study reveals that lack of customer involvement emerges as the most critical barrier. Furthermore, the outcomes of MICMAC analysis project the cluster-based findings and portrays that; five barriers are found as linkage and dependent barriers, six barriers as driving, and no barrier as autonomous.

Online publication date: Wed, 09-Aug-2023

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