Lean work management through exploration and investigation of performance metrics: a service perspective
by Mahender Singh Kaswan; Varun Kumar; Pawan Kumar
International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services (IJIMS), Vol. 9, No. 2/3, 2023

Abstract: Continuous exploration of performance or lean metrics provides a real time assessment of the available capacity of the organisational resources and provides a deep insight into the know-how of the organisation. This research work deals with exploration and investigation of lean metrics of a contact centre involved in the counselling process of a pioneer university of India. For this, different metrics related to performance have been explored and then same evaluated for certain periods of time to adjudge real estimate of employee performance. The dataset for this study has been collected through continuous interaction with authorities engaged in the counselling process for the prospective students of the university. It has been found that quality assurance score and nomination for best counsellor directly affects the conversion of admission in most of the cases and provides impetus to the counsellors to be self-motivated.

Online publication date: Wed, 09-Aug-2023

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