Strategic challenges of deploying LARG approach for sustainable manufacturing: research implications from Indian SMEs
by Sudhanshu Joshi; Manu Sharma
International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services (IJIMS), Vol. 9, No. 2/3, 2023

Abstract: In developing countries, manufacturing firms are increasingly facing the pressure to meet the economic and environmental challenges to remain competitive and industrial sustainable. Developing and implementing an integrated framework that combined lean, agile, resilience, and green (LARG) in the production function and into a variety of environmental sustainability initiatives for sustainable manufacturing in SMEs could be a possible solution. Using a systematic literature review, critical strategic challenges were determined and further authenticated by domain specialists. Furthermore, approved factors are examined to develop the causal relationship using the multi-criteria decision analysis technique. The research study has explored that 'Incredulity towards low-value addition as the new system' is the most causal critical strategic challenge affecting others. The novelty of the work is the research approach where lean-agility-resilience-green dimensions are collectively affecting the sustainable performance of manufacturing SMEs. The conceptual framework developed can act as the roadmap for developing operational excellence strategies for manufacturing SMEs, across various industries and sectors from the integration perspective of various business ecosystems, and environmental and social considerations. The work is an attempt to contribute to production decisions during eco-sensitive lean project implementation in SMEs.

Online publication date: Wed, 09-Aug-2023

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