Study of e-services quality and customer loyalty: a moderated mediation model of perceived switching cost and e-satisfaction
by Deepika; Shashank Vikram Pratap Singh; Sumanjeet Singh; Binod Kumar Rajak
International Journal of Business Information Systems (IJBIS), Vol. 43, No. 4, 2023

Abstract: The internet has given birth to the new industry called online retailing, which involves selling via the internet. It is a hot and fast-growing industry and can grab the attention of retailers as well as customers. Despite this tremendous attention, the success rate did not meet the expectations. The association between e-service quality (E-SQ) and customer loyalty (CL) has remained ambiguous due to contradictory empirical results and how the relationship between these two variables gets affected when e-satisfaction (E-S) and perceived switching costs (PSCs) also come into the picture. There is such study which talks about the moderated mediation effect of PSC and E-S between E-SQ and CL. Data was collected from 242 respondents who entertain him/herself shopping over the internet. The results exhibited that all three constructs have strong association along with the mediating effect of E-S, but we did not find the moderating role of PSC. Implications, limitations and future study have been explained in this investigation.

Online publication date: Thu, 10-Aug-2023

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