Surface study of the burnishing process when vertical high-power ultrasonics are applied
by Saber Saffar; Mohammad Emadi; Mohammad Khosroabadi
International Journal of Manufacturing Research (IJMR), Vol. 18, No. 3, 2023

Abstract: The effects of the high-power ultrasonic-assisted ball-burnishing process on a cylindrical 2024 aluminium specimen subjected to T4 heat treatment were investigated. Surface roughness, surface hardness, and hardened surface depth were taken as responses. The feed rate (0.05-0.11 mm/r), penetration depth (0.05-0.15 mm), and ultrasonic power (300-900 W) were herein considered as input variables of the process, assuming constant spindle speed (180 r/min) and vibration frequency (20 kHz). The results showed that the best surface roughness with vibration-free burnishing could be achieved at feed rate, Vf = 0.08 mm/r, and penetration depth, Ap = 0.15 mm. The results also showed that the surface hardness was 23% higher in ultrasonic-assisted burnishing than in vibration-free burnishing. Furthermore, maximum hardened surface depth (568 μm, 98% higher than that obtained through vibration-free burnishing) was achieved at Vf = 0.05 mm/r, Ap = 0.15 mm and P = 900 W. [Submitted 15 February 2022; Accepted 4 May 2022]

Online publication date: Fri, 11-Aug-2023

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